Michael Pope

APO, AP | 7-12, Science, 2017


Michael Pope has over 25 years of educational experience, with the last 17 years teaching eighth grade science at Zama American Middle High School in Japan. He previously taught at Stephenson Middle School in Georgia and Shirley Lanham Elementary School in Atsugi, Japan. Beyond the classroom, Michael serves on the U.S. Department of Education's National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) Committee on Standards, Design, and Methodology (COSDAM). He has participated in the Goethe-Institute Transatlantic Outreach Program (TOP) to compare international STEM practices and has been involved in the European Geoscience Union GIFT program, presenting best practices. His fellowship in Colombia focused on gender differences in STEM education, and he was awarded a National Education Association Foundation Fellowship to South Africa, as well as an expedition with Lindblad Expeditions to Arctic Svalbard. Michael established an online platform for language and cultural exchanges between his school and Colombian classrooms. During his National Geographic Certification course, he integrated scientific inquiry, geographical skills, and empathy into his curriculum, addressing food insecurity and the United Nations' Zero Hunger goal. This led to a student project that collected food for the local Japanese community. Michael holds a B.S.E. from Georgia State University, an M.Ed. from Brenau University, and an Ed.D. from the American College of Education, specializing in culturally responsive teaching to improve STEM retention among underrepresented students. He is certified in middle school social studies, science, mathematics, gifted education, and Japanese studies.