Application Packet

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) are the top honors bestowed by the U.S. Government to K-12 STEM teachers. Each year, up to 110 outstanding educators from across the country may be recognized by the White House for their passion, dedication, and impact in the classroom. Learn more about this prestigious award, and how nominating a teacher for PAEMST can change their life, below.

Looking for help with the application?

Check out our Application Resources page for more information on the PAEMST application, including tips from past awardees.

Each year through the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST), the President of the United States recognizes outstanding educators from across the country who teach science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) at either an elementary or secondary grade level. Recipients of the Presidential Award represent the best of STEM education—demonstrating deep content knowledge of the subjects they teach and the ability to motivate and enable student success.

More than 5,200 PAEMST awardees have been recognized since the program was established by Congress in 1983. Many awardees continue teaching in their classrooms while others move on to positions in school administration, become involved in preparing future teachers at the university level, or work in teacher professional development. Collectively, they reflect the expertise and dedication of the Nation’s STEM teaching corps, and they demonstrate the positive impact of excellent teachers on student achievement. The National Science Foundation administers PAEMST on behalf of The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).

Receiving a Presidential Award can change a teacher’s life. In addition to receiving the honor of a lifetime, each Presidential Awardee receives:

  • A certificate signed by the President of the United States
  • A $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation
  • An all-expenses paid trip to a recognition event, which includes an award ceremony and opportunities to meet with policymakers in a series of professional development activities
  • Access to the alumni network and the opportunity to build lasting partnerships with colleagues across the nation

Furthermore, the application process asks teachers to reflect deeply on their experience and teaching practices, providing a rewarding professional development experience to all who apply.

Any teacher who wants to apply for PAEMST must:

  • teach science, technology, engineering, or mathematics as part of their contracted teaching responsibilities at the 7-12 grade level in a public (including charter) or private school;
  • hold at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution;
  • be a full-time employee of their school or school district as determined by state and district policies, with responsibilities for teaching students no less than 50% of the school's allotted instructional time;
  • have at least five years of full-time employment as a K-12 teacher prior to the 2024-2025 academic school year, with science, technology, engineering, or mathematics teaching duties;
  • teach in one of the 50 states, the Department of Defense Education Activity schools, or the U.S. Jurisdictions of the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands;
  • be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident; and
  • not have received the PAEMST award at the national level in any prior competition or category.

Anyone—principals, teachers, parents, students, or members of the general public—may nominate exceptional individuals who teach science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in grades K-12. To submit a nomination, the following information is required:

  • Teacher's name
  • Email address
  • School contact information

Nominations may be submitted for more than one teacher. Teachers may also initiate the application process themselves.

Once a teacher is nominated or initiates an application, they will receive an email invitation to begin the application process. The invitation will include login information for accessing the online application system.

The PAEMST application requires a reflective narrative, a 30-minute classroom video, three letters of recommendation, and supplemental information about the teacher and their classroom. All application components will be completed in the PAEMST application portal. The application is designed to allow the applicant to provide evidence of deep content knowledge, exemplary pedagogical skills, student assessment expertise, reflective teaching, and leadership that results in improved student learning. After eligibility is confirmed and technical specifications are met, each application will be evaluated using the following five Dimensions of Outstanding Teaching:

  • Dimension One: Mastery of content appropriate for the grade level taught.
  • Dimension Two: Use of effective instructional approaches that are appropriate for the students in the classroom and that support student learning.
  • Dimension Three: Effective use of student assessments to evaluate, monitor, and improve student learning.
  • Dimension Four: Reflective practice and life-long learning to improve teaching and student learning.
  • Dimension Five: Opportunity, access, and leadership in education inside and outside of the classroom.

Those interested in applying for the award have access to resources which include more information about the application as well as tips from previous winners.

Application Resources

The 2024-2025 application packet is available here:

Application Packet

Log in to the application system

At the state and jurisdiction level, program coordinators convene selection committees, which include prominent mathematicians, scientists, mathematics/science education researchers, district-level personnel, and classroom teachers. These committees select a total of six finalists (three from each award category) for recognition at the state and jurisdiction level.

State and jurisdiction selection committees review applications using the criteria and scoring information presented in the application packet.

At the national level, NSF convenes a national selection committee composed of prominent mathematicians, scientists, mathematics/science education researchers, district-level personnel, and classroom teachers. The national committee reviews state and jurisdiction finalists’ applications using the criteria and scoring information presented in this application packet. NSF then recommends two finalists (ideally one from each award category) per state and jurisdiction to the White House OSTP. All finalists are subject to a Federal Bureau of Investigation background check and good standing confirmation from their principal.

Each Presidential Awardee receives a certificate signed by the President of the United States, a $10,000 award from NSF, and an all-expenses paid trip for an award ceremony. In addition, awardees join a national cohort of award-winning teachers, providing opportunities to impact teaching on a state and national scale. The recognition events may include professional development opportunities and discussions with policy makers on how to improve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.

Meet our most recent winners or browse our full list of winners since 1983.

Highlights from our most recent Recognition Event