The Presidential Award provides an opportunity to reflect on my professional growth and further anchors me in my commitment to excellence and equity in mathematics education. It affirms the collaborative efforts of students, families, and educators who bring their genius, joy, and curiosity to our learning space. I am honored to represent my community and to learn from a network of dedicated and innovative mathematics teachers.

Caylah Green Washington, DC | 7-12, Mathematics, 2023

The official biography below was current at the time of the award.

Caylah Green has served as a mathematics educator at Charles Hart Middle School for two years, teaching seventh grade inclusion and sixth through eighth grade accelerated courses. Her eight-year tenure with the District of Columbia Public Schools includes teaching and coaching at Anacostia High School and John Philip Sousa Middle School. Centering joy and agency as core values in her classroom, Caylah’s mission is to help students see mathematics as a tool they can use to change our world. For example, she designed a project to promote students’ financial literacy and understanding of intergenerational mobility by using algebra to analyze minority-owned stock market companies and apply it to their own lives. Caylah provides opportunities for Geographic Information System (GIS) engineers to present on how geographic mapping can be used to monitor systemic inequities, exposing students to the utility of mathematics in tasks related to GIS data from their local community. Caylah was awarded the Edith Tatel Award for Culturally Responsive Teaching for her effectiveness at integrating real-world application into mathematics learning. Caylah understands the powerful role that a strong STEM education plays in self-determination and social liberation and routinely advocates for equity in mathematics by speaking on panels, facilitating professional development for K-12 teachers and leaders, and providing testimony for policy experts. Caylah is a founding member of the Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s Math Teacher Advisory Council and an active member of the DC Math Hub. Caylah is certified in secondary mathematics. She earned a B.A. in cultural anthropology from Georgetown University and an M.S.Ed. from Johns Hopkins University.

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