The Presidential Award elevates the invisible, noble actions of countless dedicated educators. I believe that perseverance and a thirst for learning drive personal growth and fulfillment, making anything possible. This recognition legitimizes my advocacy for educational systems that create resourceful, just, and dedicated innovators, highlighting the role schools play in shaping the future. I am immensely grateful for the trust placed in me by this organization, students, family, and colleagues.

Elsa Herraez Hernandez Great Barrington, MA | 7-12, Science, 2023

The official biography below was current at the time of the award.

Elsa Herraez Hernandez began her career as a scientist and transitioned into education nine years ago. She has taught Biology, Advanced Placement Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, and Intro to Healthcare at Monument Mountain Regional High School. In the classroom, Elsa creates lasting memories by presenting discovery-based experiences that cultivate students’ curiosity and develop inquisitive minds. Her thematic curriculum makes science accessible to all students, encouraging them to engage in meaningful and complex thinking. Over the past two years, Elsa has divided her time between teaching 9th-12th grade students and serving as a fellow for the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Rethinking Grading pilot. She also engages in educational reform as an instructional leader, Science Department Coordinator, and 2023-2024 TeachPlus Policy Fellow. She is especially proud of her work in transforming grading and instructional practices at her school with colleagues and students. Elsa has participated in various trainings both nationally and internationally on pedagogy and science-specific best practices. She has planned multiple school visits to better understand how to leverage student voice for authentic and meaningful learning. Her diverse learning endeavors range from swimming with sharks, placing catheters in patients, or creating curricula on why elephants don’t get cancer. She has presented at local, state, and national conferences on scientific topics around molecular diagnostic systems and educational reforms like the impact of student-teacher alliances to drive change. Elsa earned a B.S. in biology, an M.S. in food biology and biotechnology, and a Ph.D. in molecular oncology. She is certified in 9th-12th grade high school biology education.

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