Receiving the PAEMST award is an exceptional honor and reassures me that my contributions in the classroom are making a difference. I will continue helping instill future generations with the curiosity, confidence, and humility generated through scientific philosophies. I believe in the potential of all my students and value their insights in the modern educational experience, so I will use this opportunity to further amplify their voices as agents of change.
The official biography below was current at the time of the award.
Kameron Yeggy is a teacher at Timberline High School dedicated to sharing his passions for scientific processes and philosophies with his students and community. He began his career at Timberline in 2016 and has taught Algebra 2/Integrated III, Geology, and Advanced Placement Seminar. In 2019, he founded Timberline’s Astronomy program and now teaches the course full time as a science elective to 10th-12th graders. Kameron conducts class with enthusiasm, allowing his courses to be simultaneously enjoyable and rigorous. This has contributed to extensive enrollment in his classes and increased engagement in STEM subjects throughout the school. Kameron emphasizes that learning is a collaborative effort by integrating discussions, inquiry, and opportunities for creative expression. Kameron serves as a frequent mentor to students through programs such as NASA’s Idaho Science and Aerospace Scholars program, Sources of Strength youth mental health program, and Wolf Connection student/community leadership. He has also served as advisor to extracurricular activities such as the Science Bowl, Rock Climbing, and Rockhounding clubs. Past achievements of Kameron’s include winning the staff-nominated “Teacher of the Year” at Timberline during his second year as a teacher and the student-selected “2022 Most Outstanding School Leader” award alongside numerous student nominations as their influential educator. Kameron holds a B.S. in geology and physics secondary education from Idaho State University and a Master of Natural Resources from the University of Idaho. He is certified in Earth & Space Sciences, Physics, and Mathematics at the secondary level.
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