The work of teaching (just like chemistry) is often hidden, full of nuance, and shifts depending on who is involved. I am grateful to the NSF for honoring this work, and to my students, colleagues, family, and friends for encouragement. While applying, I learned that my high school chemistry teacher, my cooperating teacher, and a mentor were PAEMST awardees. Their love of students, content, and pedagogy nurtured my own. To be in their company and continue their legacies is the greatest honor.

Kathryn Dornbos Firth, NE | 7-12, Science, 2021

The official biography below was current at the time of the award.

Kathryn “Katy” Dornbos has taught chemistry, Dual-Credit Chemistry, and physics for 15 years: 12 at Norris High School, where she also serves as high school science department chair, and three at Millard West High School. Katy has mentored new teachers, student teachers, and practicum students. At the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science (NATS) conference, ChemEd, and school districts, Katy runs sessions on assessment, imagination in chemistry, modeling, POGIL, graphing, and data analysis. She served as Chemistry Instructor in 2015 and 2016 for the Keep Improving Content Knowledge & Skills3 (KICKS3) project in Nebraska, focused on developing content knowledge and pedagogy for K-12 science teachers. Katy’s students interview local, national, and international researchers for their project “Chemistry & the Citizen.” Every year, Katy organizes a field trip to introduce students to research in areas such as engineering, nutrition, athletics, geology, and agriculture. One semester, Katy’s students asked such nuanced questions about the discovery of the neutron that she contacted a physics professor at the University of Nebraska who was so impressed by their questions that he came to visit and have a conversation with them in person. Katy has grown the dual-credit chemistry program at Norris High School from nine students to 60+ opting to take this second year of chemistry. She has secured over $6,000 in grants from the American Chemical Society and district foundations for lab equipment, chemistry competitions, and service projects. At the University of Nebraska Lincoln, Katy earned a B.S. in nutrition science & dietetics and an M.A. in teaching, learning, and teacher education. She is certified in dual-credit chemistry and 7-12 natural science.

Know a great teacher like Kathryn Dornbos? Nominate them for PAEMST!