It is truly an honor to be recognized for the Presidential Award, for it represents the hard work of not only myself, but my colleagues, students, and my community. It is a highlight in my professional journey of making school a welcoming place where curiosity thrives and our actions make us better people for the greater good. It is for all the people who knew I could be something so much more than I thought I could.

Courtney Greene Coeur d'Alene, ID | K-6, Science, 2020

The official biography below was current at the time of the award.

Courtney Greene has been an educator for more than 20 years and has spent this last year teaching at Fernan STEM Academy as an advanced learning teacher for grades three through five. She previously taught at Bryan Elementary, Hayden Meadows Elementary, and Sorensen Elementary Schools within her current district in all grade levels from kindergarten through fifth grade. During her first year as an educator, she taught kindergarten at Bovill Elementary School. Courtney’s passion for inquiry has led to partnerships with the Coeur d’Alene Tribe and the University of Idaho to create authentic, place-based learning experiences for her students. Her class's latest inquiry unit was a case study of a local creek system, which had students as collaborators with the community conservation water management team led by tribal scientists. Courtney has presented inquiry-based learning pedagogy at the Northwest Council for Computer Education, Idaho Education Technology Association, and the Idaho STEM Action Center’s ISTEM conference. She also leads ongoing professional development to support teachers in creating science storyline units. She is an active member of the Idaho Science Teachers Association. Courtney earned a B.S. in education from the University of Idaho. She is a certified elementary teacher and is certified in elementary curriculum.

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