Brett Moulding taught chemistry for 20 years at Roy High School in Utah. He later served at the Utah State Office of Education for 15 years: first as the state science education specialist and curriculum coordinator, then as director of curriculum and instruction. Brett was on the National Academies’ Board on Science Education (BOSE) from 2004 to 2012. Brett has a B.S. in chemistry from the University of Utah and a Master of Curriculum and Instruction from Weber State University, an administrative certificate, and teaching certificates from Utah State. Brett was a member of the National Academies’ committee that developed the Framework for K-12 Science Education, a lead writer on the Next Generation Science Standards, and Co-Chair of the National Academies’ BOSE Committee that developed the report Science and Engineering for 6-12 Education: Investigations and Design at the Center. Brett has provided professional development across the United States in support of science teaching and learning. He has co-authored multiple books to help teachers implement science instruction consistent with the Framework and NGSS including 1) Teaching Science is Phenomenal, 2) A Vision and Plan for Science Teaching and Learning, and 3) Engaging Students in Science Investigation Using the Gather, Reason, Communicate Reasoning (GRC) method. These books provide educators with insights into effective instructional strategies for engaging students in three-dimensional science learning. Brett was also a member of the Council of State Science Supervisors committee that developed the 2017 Science Professional Learning Standards.
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