The Presidential Award is an affirmation of the importance that I place on science in my classroom. My students will often hear me say, "...and this relates to what we talked about in science because...," often tying in seemingly unrelated subject matter to our science content. The kids know that, to borrow a phrase from Bill Nye the Science Guy, "Science Rules!" I hope to inspire kids not only to have no fear of science, but to actually consider finding a career in it.

DeAnn Swofford Gardner, KS | K-6, Science, 2008

The official biography below was current at the time of the award.

With 30 years of teaching experience in the Gardner Edgerton School District, DeAnn Swofford taught sixth grade science at the time of the award, as well as mathematics, language arts, reading, and health at Pioneer Ridge Middle School. She currently teaches eighth grade science. Mrs. Swofford has served as the Lead Science Teacher for more than 20 years and has been in charge of writing the district science curriculum. For the past two years, she has tutored new teachers as they gain experience with teaching skills and the district's curriculum. She also tutors students. An excellent, inspirational, and caring teacher, Mrs. Swofford is credited with imparting her strong love of science to her students. Her passion for the subject is called contagious, and her students are known to excel. Using memorable science experiments and assignments, Mrs. Swofford creates a classroom environment where it is fun and safe to learn. She challenges the students academically, and they rise to meet her expectations. Colleagues praised Mrs. Swofford's ability to reach the hard-to-reach child. Respecting each child's dignity, she works with the students in a gentle, affirming manner. She differentiates instruction as needed to help each child succeed. She is able to make her lessons applicable to both the most talented and most challenged students in her classroom. Currently a member of the local GENEA Nomination Committee, Mrs. Swofford has participated in local and State efforts to improve science testing. She is also a member of Pioneer Ridge Middle School's Site Council, which comprises educators, administrators, and parents. She takes a leadership role in communication between the school and other participants. Mrs. Swofford has a B.S., magna cum laude, from Kansas State University and plans to pursure a master's degree. She is certified in kindergarten through ninth grade and middle school.

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